Singer cum Actor Harbhajan Mann is back with his new cultured Punjabi film titled “Haani”. Along with Mann, other star cast include Sarbjit Cheema, Maninder Kaur Manpreet Akhtar & many more. Film is being directed by Amitoje Mann under the Mannerism Productions. Amitoje Mann is known for his direction as well as acting in Kaafila and Hawayein, is directing the movie.
Jaidev Kumar is music composer for Haani, whereas the lyrics for the same have been penned down by Baabu Singh Maan (Maan Mararan Wala).
The shooting is currently on in various villages of Punjab; Seeta Guno, Khairpur and Faridkot area to name a few. Here are the shooting stills from the film which portrays the plot of the film related to old Punjabi culture. This is the first joint venture of Harbhajan Maan and Sarbjit Cheema, both are the savior and promoters of Punjabi culture.
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